About Us


htw saar

Originating at the Saarland University of Applied Sciences (htw saar), the Laboratory for Lightweight Vehicle Construction and Vehicle Safety under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Jörg Hoffmann took up the challenge of launching ambitious projects to develop new technologies. After a successful application, the university supported the team with two initial grants. 


htw saar

Originating at the Saarland University of Applied Sciences (htw saar), the Laboratory for Lightweight Vehicle Construction and Vehicle Safety under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Jörg Hoffmann took up the challenge of launching ambitious projects to develop new technologies. After a successful application, the university supported the team with two initial grants. 


ESV Conference (Detroit)

During our studies, we took part in an international student competition at one of the world's most important conferences for vehicle safety - the Enhanced Safety of Vehicle Conference (Short: ESV) - in Detroit and also presented a technical paper to the audience. We successfully qualified throughout Europe under the supervision of the BASt for the finals in the USA and won first place there with a concept for a camera-based lane change assistant for motorcycles. 


ESV Konferenz (Detroid)

During our studies, we took part in an international student competition at one of the world's most important conferences for vehicle safety - the Enhanced Safety of Vehicle Conference (Short: ESV) - in Detroit and also presented a technical paper to the audience. We successfully qualified throughout Europe under the supervision of the BASt for the finals in the USA and won first place there with a concept for a camera-based lane change assistant for motorcycles.   


Exist Research Transfer

With the concept of the camera-based driver assistance system for motorcycles, the German Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology funded us from 2018-2021 with the EXIST Research Transfer Program. During the term, we collaborated with renowned international partners as well as research institutes at Saarland University and present our technology at trade fairs such as the IAA in Frankfurt and EICMA in Milan.  


Exist Research Transfer

With the concept of the camera-based driver assistance system for motorcycles, the German Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology funded us from 2018-2021 with the EXIST Research Transfer Program. During the term, we collaborated with renowned international partners as well as research institutes at Saarland University and present our technology at trade fairs such as the IAA in Frankfurt and EICMA in Milan. 


University Technology Center

For the Exist research transfer program, the university provided us with prototype-friendly premises on the Innovationscampus Saar.  The research and development building (Altenkesseler Straße 17/D2, 66115 Saarbrücken) is home to research groups, institutes and htw saar spin-offs.


University Technology Center

For the Exist research transfer program, the university provided us with prototype-friendly premises on the Innovationscampus Saar.  The research and development building (Altenkesseler Straße 17/D2, 66115 Saarbrücken) is home to research groups, institutes and htw saar spin-offs.