
Areas of application


Automotive & Mobility

Driver assistance systems or automated driving, we can program the software in these application fields for vehicles and mobile robots with respect to the associated development process standards. 



Automotive & Mobility

Driver assistance systems or automated driving, we can program the software in these application fields for vehicles and mobile robots with respect to the associated development process standards.

Motorcycles / two-wheelers

      • Camera-based assistance systems

      • Roll and pitch angle compensation 

      • Compact- / Fisheye


Cars / Trucks

      • Autonomous driving

      • Camera-based assistance systems 

      • AI Software and Computer Vision



Cars / Trucks

      • Autonomous driving

      • Camera-based assistance systems

      • AI Software and Computer Vision




      • Camera-based intelligence

      • Safety / Analyses


Driving robots

      • Control and autonomous driving

      • Environment detection

      • AI Software



Driving robots

      • Control and autonomous driving

      • Umfeld-Erkennung

      • AI Software



Safety & Monitoring

Whether indoor/outdoor or industrial applications, we offer customized solutions for security, monitoring or statistical analysis. With computer vision, we can also analyze customer-specific data sets through customized software and offer a graphical user interface for user-friendly operation if required. 



Safety & Monitoring

Whether indoor/outdoor or industrial applications, we offer customized solutions for security, monitoring or statistical analysis. With computer vision, we can also analyze customer-specific data sets through customized software and offer a graphical user interface for user-friendly operation if required.   

Indoor Safety & MOnitoring

      • Anonymous customer analysis

      • Work and patient safety 

      • Statistical analysis



Indoor Safety & Monitoring

      • Anonymous customer analysis

      • Work and patient safety

      • Statistical analysis


Infrastructure screening

      • Tunnel and guardrail inspection

      • Concealed signs

      • Road damages


Public safety 

      • Social Distancing

      • Density and movement of people

      • Mask and face detection



Public safety

      • Social Distancing

      • Density and movement of people

      • Mask and face detection


Industrial applications

      • Cargo inspection

      • Material damage and quality detection 

      • Arrangement 




Embedded Intelligence

To meet the challenge of efficiently running complex computer vision and artificial intelligence software on the hardware, we support you with our experts. Whether control units in the vehicle, smaller mobile units with special computing chips or branched server solutions, we can contribute our expertise. Optimizing software and AI models for better computational performance is also part of our services. 



Embedded Intelligence

To meet the challenge of efficiently running complex computer vision and artificial intelligence software on the hardware, we support you with our experts. Whether control units in the vehicle, smaller mobile units with special computing chips or branched server solutions, we can contribute our expertise. Optimizing software and AI models for better computational performance is also part of our services.

Resource constrained applications

      • Control devices 

      • Edge devices (TPU, GPU, MPU) 

      • Servers & Cloud